Aug 10, 2022
In this interview with David Chapman, we discuss Fluidity Forum, a gathering we're planning for 2023.
We'll also discuss two new events I've attended recently: Critical Rationalism Weekend in Philadelphia, and Vibecamp in Austin.
The conversations that have started to excite me the most are intermediate scales between the individual & the world:
- not-for-profit projects, activities & events, such as maker spaces, druid groves, science fiction conventions, local Burning Man events, open source software projects, Mastodon or Discord servers, board game/role playing groups, and Vibecamp
- co-housing and intentional communities
- scenes, where “scenius” emerges
- subcultures & subsocieties
Do those intermediate scales supply a path for personal change to bring about system change? When a small community implements a change that is un-scalable beyond its size, it’s like a sand castle. The world’s systems act like an ocean that soon washes it away. What can scale the local to the global, the temporary to the self-perpetuating?
We also discuss this article by Hanzi Freinacht about the "3H" population: Hackers, Hipsters, and Hippies.